What's Your Story? Introducing ArchDaily's Love Wall

For the past 14 years, ArchDaily has been committed to delivering inspiring content. Our curators select the best architecture projects from around the world —from renowned firms to emerging practices— to join the world's biggest curated architecture library, while our editors cover the world’s major challenges and avant-garde ideas that are shaping the built environment, reporting from influential as well as emerging events.

This wouldn't be possible without your support —from submitting your latest project to sharing your knowledge. Consider this handwritten letter we received a few years ago from Australia. Signed by Alice, her letter crossed the Pacific Ocean to share how ArchDaily had impacted her personal life. Today, Alice's letter hangs at ArchDaily’s HQ entrance hall, as a reminder of why we love what we do.

This letter from Alice hangs at ArchDaily’s HQ entrance hall, as a reminder of why we love what we do.. Image © Alice

We want to know how ArchDaily has impacted your life as a reminder of how your support has been crucial to us. That's why we proudly introduce ArchDaily's Love Wall, a new place where users can share their stories on how ArchDaily has impacted their lives, as illustrator Francisca Alvarez has envisioned in this series of illustrations.

Thanks to stories like this, we understand firsthand the power of our community of architects, photographers, students, educators and manufacturers. A community that has helped ArchDaily to share the most relevant information concerning the built environment through projects that allow exploration into new cultures, firms and territories.

Together we have built a place for projects whose stories deserved to be told. Stories about architecture that provide education, resources and tools for others to discuss, debate, and learn.

So, what's your story? Share it at ArchDaily's Love Wall.

About this author
Cite: Nicolás Valencia. "What's Your Story? Introducing ArchDaily's Love Wall" 14 Jul 2020. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/940683/whats-your-story-introducing-archdailys-love-wall> ISSN 0719-8884

© Francisca Álvarez


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